Monday, March 12, 2012

No School Days

Every once in a while, we take a day off from school, not because it's a holiday or vacation day, but for the simple reason that we can. Today was one of those "school free" days.
Everyone is having a hard time adjusting to daylight savings time, so I used that as an excuse to play hookie today! We normally school 10 months out of the year and generally don't do spring break at all, so I don't feel to badly taking a random day off once in a while-not that I would feel bad anyways, mind. I figure as long as we keep up what is legally required for school and I remember to occasionally feed my kids and they remember to occasionally bathe, we're doing just fine.
So what did we do today? Almost nothing! And you know what? It feels really good!
We planted a few plants, spread some straw, and walked the property. Did a quick inventory in the storage room. The kids pulled out some MadLibs and took turns writing marginally acceptable things while I caught up on domestics. Took a walk down to the lake.
Over all I would say this has turned out to be a great day to play hookie-so nice, I'm tempted to do it again tomorrow!

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